Web Hosting / E-mail service information

AUG/SEP 2019

I currently have a support ticket open with provider with regards to intermittent issues with the sending of e-mail to yahoo (including aol and bt internet) addresses. If this appears to affecting your domain (web address/emails) please do open a support ticket and I will escalate it with them. In the meantime, if you have an alternate e-mail address you can use to send to those addresses I recommend you use that one (you can always set the reply-to address in that e-mail account to come to your normal e-mail)

MAR 2021 - See article Add-on E-mail Service for a possible solution to the issues (at modest extra cost)

MAR 2020

I haven't had any further reports from other clients regarding the previous issue, and I don't recall getting any bounced e-mails myself so am assuming is ok. If you are experiencing issues then of course open a support ticket.

JUL 2020

Please see next link regarding this.

APR 2021

As per information on web site plans page, although e-mail boxes are included with those hosting plans, they are neither supported (beyond setup and password issue) or guaranteed due to ongoing issues with e-mails to yahoo owner domains (bt/yahoo/aol/rocketmail), therefore you are advised, that if this is an issue for you that you purchase one of our e-mail addon plans which we have with another provider. You can find details at https://atphosting.alltechplus.duckdns.org